What is the Divine like?
You get to discover and decide this.
How is the Assembly organized?
Individuals can commune directly with the Divine and receive personal guidance. With that, there is not a need for clergy to stand between a worshiper and the Divine to interpret or explain. Members enjoy autonomy to worship and commune as they see fit. This means that each individual can have unmitigated communion with their Divine. In most religions, the founder alone is allowed such freedom, while adherents are expected to stay within the boundaries prescribed by the founder’s vision.
Where does the Divine Assembly meet?
TDA members are free to safely and autonomously worship anywhere they choose, individually or in groups. No authorization or coordination is needed. Independent ceremonies can be as varied as imagination, creativity, and inspiration allow. Be aware, however, that TDA does not vouch for ANY sacrament ceremonies. It is a red flag, if anyone claims otherwise.
What is the mission of the Divine Assembly?
The Divine Assembly is a religion devoted to autonomous worship. Each individual is spiritually autonomous and is encouraged to develop an individualized experience with the Divine. Individualized, autonomous communion with the Divine is not limited by the experiences, beliefs, or teachings of anyone else. Like mushroom mycelium, the broader interconnected TDA community organically evolves as the product of the varied connections that individual members make and the fruit that members and small groups independently produce out of TDA’s substrate in the form of events, activities, ceremonies, and other works of faith.
Is psilocybin TDA’s sacrament?
Members enjoy religious autonomy to connect with the Divine. Some members worship with psilocybin mushrooms. By no means are psilocybin mushrooms an assigned or preferred sacrament. TDA and autonomous worship do not work that way. TDA does not provide any sacraments or sacrament ceremonies. TDA members independently plan and conduct sacrament ceremonies.
Is TDA a church?
Are psychedelic sacraments legal?
Laws protect sincerely-held religious beliefs, including the sacramental use of psychedelics. To secure that legal protection for religious use, worshipers must be safe and sincere. Please read our section on Legal Worship.
Why is safety emphasized?
Religion and worship carry risks of abuse and predation. For members who choose to use psychedelic sacraments, those risks are increased, because psychedelics increase suggestibility and vulnerability. TDA attempts to reduce risks by promoting members’ autonomy. First, it does this, by (1) not empowering an organization or its leader, (2) by not assigning doctrines, rites and rituals, and (3) by promoting TDA’s organizational tenet as a way to safely build a peer-to-peer religious community through autonomous worship. Rather than worry about defending an institution or leaders, if you are in danger or have been harmed, please contact law enforcement and proper authorities. PLEASE DO NOT HIDE HEALTH CONCERNS, LEGAL ISSUES, OR PREDATION. Hiding problems perpetuates problems. TDA is not pretending in any way about safety.
How do I join The Divine Assembly?
Simple. If you share the belief that individuals can commune with the Divine and receive guidance, just provide your name and email. According to the Constitution, the government can never make TDA turn over the membership list. If, however, you are nervous about providing your name and email, no problem. Create a new email account and provide the new name you take as a worshipper.
Do I need to pay any money?
Nope. The Divine Assembly is a religious organization open to all.
Do I need a membership card?
Nope. If you want one, TDA can make one for you, or you can make your own.
Can I really perform a marriage?
Yes. Details HERE.
What is Summer Revival?
Summer Revival is a June festival in Utah’s mountains that provides a great way to connect with other TDA members. Learn more HERE.